Reasons to Choose An Econoburn Wood Fueled Boiler
Why usWhether your present heating system uses radiant floor, forced air, or traditional hot water radiators, an Econoburn wood-fueled boiler can save you considerable money over your existing equipment. With models ranging from 100,000-500,000 BTUs, Econoburn has the right boiler to fit your needs.
Our smart, trouble-free energy conversion system maximizes wood burn time, optimizes combustion efficiency, and limits boiler start-ups by conserving the use of stored hot water.
Wood gasification maximizes fuel usage by burning virtually all the wood gases for heat exchange— leaving very little soot, ash or creosote residue.
Fueled by a plentiful, low-cost resource, and equipped for durability and efficiency, these advanced systems are both predictable and economical.
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Purchase Through our Dealer Network or Directly from the Factory
BuyingEconoburn wood-fuel boilers are available through our network of factory-authorized dealers, or when a dealer is not close by, directly from the factory. Call us today for the nearest authorized dealer or to place your order for an Econoburn High Efficiency wood-fuel boiler. If you purchase your boiler from our factory, we will ship it directly to your home or to an installer of your choice.